10 eCommerce Marketing Tips To Boost Holiday Sales
- Blogs, Social Media Marketing
- 06 December 2021
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As we all know that the holiday season is just a step away, for many individuals it is a time to celebrate and forget all their tension from their respective stressed lives and for some holidays are the days to explore their real selves read this blog here we’ve share eCommerce Marketing Tips To Boost Holiday Sales.
If we talk about online retailers, the holiday season is the season to gain the most traffic and convert them into staying leads. Online retailers see the holiday season as an opportunity to skyrocket sales and to give their brand a bigger and better picture.
We have tried to compile some of the best tips to boost the holiday sales during this season –
1:- Keep an eye on your competitors.
Initially, it is very important to pay utmost attention to what your competitors are thinking of this season. If you wanna increase your sales, eventually you would need to keep an eye on what branding and marketing strategies your competitors are going for. It is not about copying the tactics that work for them blindly, there are chances that the tactics and strategies that work for them might lower down your sales and you end up making losses, therefore all you need to do is take notes and see how you can come up with something even better.
There is no harm in watching and learning from their strategies. You can also get on their email lists, follow them on social media (with alerts on), and visit their websites to see what holiday digital marketing strategies they’re employing or what attractive packages they are offering and most importantly what are the profits behind it.
2:- Try to create a buzz around –
A great marketing strategy will always help your brand to attract customers and to convert them into static leads. But, retaining the existing customers by delivering them with amazing shopper experiences and the best deals fall on your customer service team. The better your strategies to retain the existing customers, the more will you attract new customers as well. For that very reason, and as mentioned above the customer service team of your brand should be briefed on your marketing plans and strategies for better results.
3:- Design a visually creative brand campaign –
The better your brand campaign and deal looks, the better it sells. It is not just about the discount coupons or the heavy deals on which individuals concentrate on these days, people these days buy only the deals which they find visually attractive, therefore you need to make sure that your brand campaign is very eye-catching and easy to read.
Designing a visually creative brand campaign includes various aspects from designing a creative poster to posting innovative reels on social media handles. If your company manages to keep a balance of all these things, your campaign would succeed for sure.
4:- Offer different financing options-
While rolling out some expensive offers or some high-price deals for the customers it is better to give them different financing options making it easier for them to pay and also it does not only give them options to pay but also attracts new customers to avail the offer.
Other financing options might include, EMIs, Bank transfers, self-managed instalments, etc. These offers will not only help the existing customers to avail the offer but also attract new customers too.
5:- Include Unconventional holidays as well –
Whenever we think of rolling out an offer for a holiday package, all we can think of are the popular festivals like Diwali, Holi, Christmas, Black Friday, etc. instead we should also focus on including seasonal holidays e.g. November to December or June to July, these holidays are when people urge to go to different places to take a break from their stressful lives. Including these times also in the package would surely help you attract more deals and customers.
6:- Make a prior plan for bulk order –
No one knows when and which of your plan might reach the highest of bookings and it gets sold out. One should always plan prior to the launch that what if this holiday package would sell out, do we have enough dates to add a trip once more? Do we have enough guides and trip managers to look after such a large amount of audience?
7:- Additional offers for early bird shoppers-
There are many people who tend to plan their trip months before and book the ticket accordingly, for these early shoppers you can also include some extra benefits or discount coupons so that more and more people register for your package and you have enough time to plan the trip and make it better than usual.
8:- Team Bonding is the key-
No branding campaign is successful if the team is not working properly and in full coordination, to start with, you need to align your team in the same line and make sure that all the team members complement each other for their ideas so that the spark is always ignited to have a healthy competition among themselves.
9:- Cover data of previous years –
It is very necessary to know the trend of how the travellers have been acting up to the holiday packages in the past years. It is not just about the previous year but your focus should be on quite a few years so that you can get a better idea of what new strategies can you apply and what more creative brand campaigns can you offer to them so that they choose your offer over the others.
10:- Understand the need of the audience –
Creating time to time surveys also help you know the trend of the audience and when are they planning to go on a trip. This helps you to stay in touch with the existing users and also generate new leads and data based on which you can go for new brand campaigns and effective visuals.
These were some of the e-commerce ideas on how can you boost your holiday sales and not only interact with your existing users in a better way bit also generate new leads for the expansion of your company.